Patrick Loiseau

Research scientist
Inria (Saclay), head of the FairPlay team

Professor (part-time)
Ecole Polytechnique, DIX (CS dept)
ENSAE, responsible for the CS courses

I am a research scientist at Inria and a part-time Professor (Professeur Chargé de Cours) of computer science at Ecole Polytechnique as well as at ENSAE (Chargé de Cours) where I am responsible for the computer science courses. Since March 2022, I am the co-head of the FairPlay team, a joint team between Criteo, ENSAE, and Inria Saclay. Since Sept. 2019, I am also the co-holder of a Chair of the MIAI@Grenoble Alpes institute on "Explainable and Responsible AI". Prior to creating FairPlay in Saclay, I was a member of the POLARIS team (a joint Inria/LIG team) in Grenoble. Even earlier, I was an Assistant Professor in the data science department at EURECOM and I spent several long research visits at UC Berkeley and MPI-SWS. In particular, from April 2016 to October 2018, I was a visiting researcher at the Max-Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS), supported by a Humboldt fellowship for experienced researchers.

I received my PhD in CS from ENS Lyon in 2009. Prior to that, I studied Physics at ENS Lyon (MSc '06) and after that I also studied Mathematics at UPMC (Paris 6) and Ecole Polytechnique (MSc '10). I was a postdoc at Inria Paris in 2010 and at UC Santa Cruz in 2011. I also received my HDR from UPMC in 2016.

My research interests revolve around game theory and statistical learning and their interactions, in particular in the context of security, privacy and ethics of online systems and algorithms. I am fortunate to work with a number of talented students and postdocs and to have my research supported by various public bodies and industries. Check my papers and CV for more details about my research.

I was the chair of the steering committee of NetEcon and an associate editor of ACM Transactions on Internet Technology and IEEE Transactions on Big Data. I was a PC co-chair of NetEcon '12-'15 and I serve or have served as a PC member of numerous conferences (NeurIPS, ICML, AAAI, IJCAI, SIGMETRICS, PETS, WiOpt, GameSec, etc.), as a guest editor of two journal special issues, as a reviewer for numerous journals and as a member of several evaluation committees for PhDs or panels for grant selection. For a complete list, please refer to my CV.